Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Good morning America! I recieved this cutie in the mail from an exchange I did, here is also the return gift I made and sent! So, I would say we both had fun making these and both were happy to recieve our gifts also!!

I learned this iris folding technique. In this instance I used shiney paper to form a christmas ball. I need to practice with my camera so I can get better pictures !! Today, I think I will be cutting my glass, some of it, I have some beautiful oarnge, and I will be taking pictures of a project I am working on also which is a microwave plate that I covered with glass flowers and I am about to put the background on and then it will be ready for grouting, I'll try and get a good picture of it for my evening post! Remember, "HOME IS WHERE THE 'ART' IS"!!

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